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  • Enviroment

    Environmental & Waste Analyses, Biological Treatment

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    Olive oil quality, purity and safety


Biological Treatment

Management of urban wastewater is currently defined by EU Directive 91/271 / EEC as amended by Directive 98/15 / EC, which was incorporated into Greek national law by Joint Ministerial Decision 5673/400/1997.

Directive 91/271 / EEC was issued in order to protect public health and the aquatic environment from the adverse effects of untreated or inadequately treated sewage discharge and their byproducts (sludge) as well as liquid waste from certain food industries.

On these grounds it refers directly to the complete management of waste, which is divided into:

Industrial waste: any wastewater discharged from premises used for commercial or industrial activity, which is not domestic wastewater and rainwater.

Sewage: is the mixture of domestic sewage (wastewater from residential areas and services derived from the human metabolism and from household activities) and industrial waste.

Direct disposal of waste into the environment, poses a serious health risk as they contain contaminants and pollutants.

To ensure, therefore environment and public health protection is first necessary to be aware of the characteristics of wastewater, in order to assess their impact on the environment and to implement the appropriate processing methods necessary for proper use and safe disposal.

Parameters examined in Medi Lab have been summarized in the best possible way to fully meet customer’s needs. However it is possible to make changes according to each case due to associated legislation.

More importantly, law stipulates strict monitoring of the quality of the treated water. 

Physicochemical Parameters Method
Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days (BOD5) APHA 5210 B
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) O.308/Closed Reflux
Total nitrogen ISO 1871
Ammonia O.304/Uv-Vis
Nitrates Ο.628/Ion Chromatography
Total Phosphorus APHA 4500-P D
Suspended Solids APHA 2540 D
Volatile Solids  
Total Conductivity APHA 5210 B


Microbiological parameters Method
Total Coliforms ISO 9308-1:2000
Faecal Coliforms APHA 9222 D
Escherichia coli ISO 9308-1:2000
Total viable count 22oC, 37oC ISO 6222:1999