• Food

    Food testing and laboratory analysis

  • Animal Feed

    Animal Feed analysis

  • Water

    Water analysis

  • Enviroment

    Environmental & Waste Analyses, Biological Treatment

  • Olive Oil

    Olive oil quality, purity and safety



Food testing and laboratory analysis

Microbiological food testing and laboratory analysis

Medi Lab S.A. carries out a full range of microbiological analyzes covering the requirements of European and national legislation, in accordance with Regulations (EC) No. 2073/2005 and its amendments (Regulation. 1881/2006, 1441/2007).

Our goal is to  always meet customer’s needs, reaching a quality certified final product, while covering food hygiene and safety standards throughout the production line.

Parameter Method
Listeria monocytogenes VIDAS Biomerieux
Salmonella spp. VIDAS Biomerieux
Bacillus cereus ISO 7932:2004
Staphylococcus aureus TEMPO Biomerieux
Escherichia coli TEMPO Biomerieux
Enterobacteriaceae TEMPO Biomerieux
Total coliforms TEMPO Biomerieux
Vibrio parahaemolyticus ISO 21872-1/2007
Clostridium perfringens ISO 7937:2004
Clostridium sulfite ISO 15213:2003
Total viable count (aerobic colonies) TEMPO Biomerieux
Yeasts and Fungi ISO 21027-2, ISO 21027-1

Physicochemical analyzes

Nutritional labeling

Indication of “nutrition declaration” on packaged foods is mandatory, as is clear from the Regulation 1169/2011 / EU.

Under this legislation, nutritional content is obligatory written on every products label in a specifically protocoled manner.

Parameters Methods
Proteins ISO 1871, Nx6.25
Full fat Soxhlet
Fat profile (Saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated, omega-3, omega-6, EPA, DHA, trans) GC (gas chromatography)
Sugars  GC-FID
Total carbohydrates Computing
Digestible carbohydrates Computing
Dietaty fibers AOAC 991.31
Sodium  Flame amission
Energy Computing



Certain fungal species produce toxins called mycotoxins, which in high concentrations may cause poisoning and other problems.

The maximum limits of these mycotoxins in food down in Regulation 1881/2006 / EC.

Parameter Μέθοδος
 Aflatoxins Β1, Β2, G1, G2 AOAC 991.31
 Ochratoxin Α HPLC
 Deoxynivalenol(DON) ELISA
  Zearalenone (ZON) ELIZA

Trace elements

Trace elements are listed among  nutrients. Meaning they are substances necessary for the development and operation of every organization.

Trace elements are needed in smaller amounts than macronutrients, but they contribute in the functioning of enzymes.

Parameter Methods
Calcium Microwave digestion / AAS FLAME
Potassium Microwave digestion / AAS FLAME
Cobalt Microwave digestion / AAS FLAME
Manganese Microwave digestion/ GFAAS
Magnesium Microwave digestion / AAS FLAME
Μολυβδαίνιο Microwave digestion/ GFAAS
Sodium Microwave digestion / AAS FLAME
Selenium Microwave digestion/ Ηydride AAS
Iron AOAC 1999.10
Phosphorus ISO 2294, AOAC 970.39
Copper AOAC 1999.10
Chloride Volhard
Chromium Microwave digestion/ GFAAS
Zinc AOAC 1999.10


Vitamines are necessary for our body. Their deficiency may cause tiredness, weakness, headaches, skin diseases and concentrating problems. Additionally our needs for vitamines increase after a suffering physical or mental strain.

Regulation 1925/2006 / EE establishes the criteria for the addition of vitamins in food.

Determination: Vitamin A, B vitamins (B1-Thiamine, Riboflavin B2, B3-Niacin, B5-pantothenic acid, B6-Pyrodoxini, B9-Folate, B12 Cobalamin), Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), Vitamin D, Vitamin E (tocopherol), Vitamin K.


Allergens are proteins derived from various sources and have only in specific individuals, the ability to activate the body’s defense system to produce antibodies.

Allergens can roughly be divided:

  • airborne allergenscausing respiratory allergies when inhaled i.e. allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma and allergic conjunctivitis, and include:
    • the pollen of plants and trees
    • epithelia of animals, usually cats and dogs
    • the house dust mites
    • fungal spores
  • food allergens  (theoretically all foods contain proteins that can act as allergens) and cause food allergies
  • pharmaceutical allergens (antibiotics, aspirin, analgesics, anesthetics, insulin) that cause drug allergies
  • Hymenoptera insect venom allergens (bee and wasp) that cause allergies to these insects
  • latex allergens

The European Union Directive 2003/89 / EC requires packaged foods to be labeled for the existence of specific allergens or derivatives.


In more than 70% of fresh products traces may be found establishing its regular control in all agriculture products.

Detection of any type of meat and its products

Rigging as in the recent horse meat as well as quality concerns case have increased control in all large scale meat trading companies.