• Food

    Food testing and laboratory analysis

  • Animal Feed

    Animal Feed analysis

  • Water

    Water analysis

  • Enviroment

    Environmental & Waste Analyses, Biological Treatment

  • Olive Oil

    Olive oil quality, purity and safety



Water is considered the most valuable resource for humans, as it serves the basic needs, but also helps perform all basic activities.

Urban concentration, industrial, and agricultural activity led to frequent contamination of drinking and irrigation water from harmful chemical and microbiological factors.

Greek and European legislation have established limits for the harmful parameters as well as monitoring frequency and quality.

Main focus is concentrated on water intended for human consumption, but in emphasis has been given to the water used for other livestock and commercial activities, such as animal breeding and swimming pools.

According to Joint Ministerial Decision Y2 / 2300/2001, only accredited by the National Accreditation System laboratories with ISO 17025 quality system standard, can perform reliable checks.

Standard Package Analysis (complete)

Physicochemical parameters Microbiological parameters
pH Total Viable Count (TOC) 22oC
Conduction  Total Viable Count (TOC)37oC
Total Hardness Total coliforms
Transient Hardness Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Permanent Hardness Enterococcus intestinal
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)(TDS) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Carbonates(CO3-2) Clostridium perfringens
Bicarbonates (HCO3-2)  
Alkalinity (P)  
Alkalinity (H)  
Chlorides (Cl)  
Nitrites (NO2)  
Ammonium (NH+4)  
Phosphorus (P2O5)  
Fluorine (F-)  
Sulfates (SO4-2)  
Calcium (Ca+2)  
Magnesium (Mg+2)  
Potassium (K+)  
Sodium (Na+)  
Copper (Cutot)  
Zinc (Zn+2)  
Manganese (Mn+2)  
Iron (Fe)  
Boron (B)  
Total chrome (Cr)  
Hexavalent Chromium(Cr+6)  

Water from Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a water purification system, by physicochemical and microbiological hazards. It includes a synthetic membrane, through which water is being filtered with normal urban network pressure.

Only water molecules pass through the specific material of this membrane, and collected absolutely clean, filtered as water on the other side.

Dirt and other harmful elements remain on the opposite side and discarded.

Even after the application of water purification system, a regular monitoring is required to verify its smooth operation.

This kind of monitoring includes detects only physicochemical parameters, which may deviate from the normal range.

Physicochemical parameters (only)
pH Phosphorus (P2O5)
Ammonium (NH+4) Φθόριο (F-)
Calcium (Ca+2) Fluoride (NO3)
Magnesium (Mg+2) Sulfates (SO4-2)
Potassium (K+) Barium (Βa+2)
Sodium (Na+) Total silicates (SiO2)
Manganese (Mn+2) Total organic carbon
Iron (Fe) BOD5
Boron (B) COD
Carbonate (CO3-2) Turbidity
Bicarbonates (HCO3-2) Total Chromium (Cr)
Chloride (Cl) Hexavalent Chromium (Cr+6)

Pilot monitoring based on Annex II of JMD Y2 / 2600/2011-892 B / 07.01.11), as amended and in force.

Purpose of pilot monitoring is to obtain data necessary to assess water quality (organoleptic and microbiological) before human consumption.

Equally important is the information obtained regarding the effectiveness of drinking water treatment/disinfection – if applicable.

Physicochemical parameters Microbiological parameters
pH Total Viable Count (TOC) 22oC
Conduction Total Viable Count (TOC) 37oC
Taste Total coliforms
Odor Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Colour Enterococcus intestinal
Turbidity Pseudomonas aeruginosa (water traded in bottles / cans)
Ammonium Clostridium perfringens (only when total water volume is influenced by surface water)
Residual chlorine (only when used for the disinfection method of chlorination)
Nitrite (only when used to disinfect chloramination)
Iron (only when used as a flocculant)
Aluminium (only when used as a flocculant)

Audit monitoring under Annex II of JMD Y2/2600/2011 to -892 B/11.07.01), as amended and in force.

Purpose of audit monitoring is to provide  necessary information to determine whether all the parametric values set by legislation are met.

Physicochemical parameters Microbiological parameters
pH Acrylamide Total Viable Count (TOC) 22oC
Conductivity Antimony  Total Viable Count (TOC)37oC
Oxidisability Arsenic Total coliforms
Nitrites Benzol Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Nitrates Benzo-alpha-pyrene Enterococcus intestinal
Ammonium Cadmium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (water traded in bottles / cans)
Chlorides Chrome Clostridium perfringens (only when total water volume is influenced by surface water)
Sulfates 1,2-dichloroethane
Fluoride Εpichlorohydrin
Phosphates Lead
Bromates Mercury
Residual chlorine  Extras:
Boron Pesticides
Copper Total pesticides
Nickel  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Selenium Tetrachloroethylene
Aluminum Trichloroethene
Iron Total trihalomethanes
Manganese Vinyl chloride
Sodium Total organic carbon

Αdditional monitoring

At this point, sophisticated analyzes are performed when there is suspicion of the following risk factors.

Physicochemical parameters Microbiological parameters
PCB’s –PCT’s Salmonella
Silver Pathogenic staphylococci
Phenolic compounds Stool bacteriophages
Hydrocarbons dissolved or emulsified – oils Bowel viruses
Surfactants Escherichia coli (E. Coli) O:157
 Phosphorus (P2O5) Campylobacter
Dry residue Parasitic organisms
Potassium Algae
Hydrogen sulfide Other molded elements (Zohar)

 Licencing for water irrigation & water suitable for animal drinking – JMD 150559 (1440/Β’/16.06.2011)

Physicochemical parameters

Microbiological parameters (only for animals)

pH Total Viable Count (TOC) 22oC
Conduction Total Viable Count (TOC)37oC
Total hardness Total coliforms
Ammonium (NH+4) Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Chlorides (Cl) Enterococcus intestinal
Nitrate (NO3)
Nitrite (NO2)

 Water for irrigation/energy use JMD 150559 (1440/Β’/16.06.2011)

Physicochemical parameters

Microbiological parameters (only for animals)

pH Total Viable Count (TOC) 22oC
Conduction Total Viable Count (TOC)37oC
Total hardness Total coliforms
Ammonium (NH+4) Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Chlorides (Cl) Enterococcus intestinal
Nitrate (NO3)
Nitrite (NO2)

Swimming pool water – Medical accord C1/443/73

Microbiological control is essential for the proper operation of swimming pools and other recreational facilities such as spa and hydrotherapy pools.

Still any bathing areas as the sea, rivers, lakes, and spas should be under regular control since pathogens found in water grow multiply fast.

Also, chlorine test is performed to ensure  proper function of pool disinfection system, according to current legislation.

Physicochemical parameters Microbiological parameters
pH  Total Viable Count (TOC) 37oC
Total Alkalinity Total coliforms
Chlorine residual / total Escherichia coli (E. coli)

Legionella control

Legionella is a waterborne microrganism causing a serious disease known as the Pontiac fever (named after the 1968  mass infection incident in the homonymous town) & the even more serious Legionnaires disease (named after the homonymous incident at Legionnaires’ convention causing 34 deaths)

Sea Water & aquaculture

Instructions 2000/60 / EU and 91/493 / EU, specify necessary analyzes for quality control of aquacultures.

In regard to these instructions analysis packages have been created for sediment collected from full depth.

See water

Physicochemical parameters

Microbiological parameters

pH Nitrite (NO2ˉˉ) Total Viable Count (TOC) 22oC
Conduction Ammonium (NH4+)  Total Viable Count (TOC)37oC
Salinity Phosphorus (P2O5) Coliform bacteria (Total coliforms)
Turbidity Calcium (Ca+2) Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Magnesium (Mg+2) Enterococcus intestinal
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Potassium (Κ+) Salmonella spp.
B.O.D5 Sodium (Na+)
C.O.D.  Total Organic Carbon (Τ.Ο.C.)
 Chlorides (Cl– )  Total Phosphorus(P)
 Nitrate (NO3ˉ )

Marine Sediment

Parameter Method
Moisture  Gravimetric @105 °C
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Walkley-Black
Total Nitrogen AOAC 978.04 B
Phosphorus AOAC 966.01
Arsenic Hydride-A.A.S.
Cadmium ISO 15586 Annex B
Lead ISO 15586 Annex B
Mercury Hydride-A.A.S.
Copper ISO 15586 Annex B
Chrome ISO 15586 Annex B
Zinc A.A.S.